Comments on: Elizabeth Miles’ ‘Fury’ fizzles Picture, middle grade and young adult book reviews. Sat, 12 Jan 2013 23:10:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kaye M. Tue, 15 Nov 2011 17:55:57 +0000 I REALLY wanted to like this, but dropped it within two chapters in. There was nothing of the promised hype, and I really despised the characters.

By: Barbara Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:52:17 +0000 I wrote a review for Fury too and I really, really didn’t like it. It was nearly a DNF for me and I wrote that I wished I had dropped it because it made me ill when I was done. I got the idea that it was supposed to be a thriller and a big ol’ morality play but the inequality of the Furies punishment was ridiculous. The farther out I got from reading it, the more I agree with your assessment – I didn’t like any of the characters that much (I did like Chase somewhat) and the Furies just seemed cartoonish with the whole, DUN DUN DUN I heard in my head every time they appeared.

Very nice review, loved hearing your comments a lot.

By: Amber/aLmYbNeNr Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:36:06 +0000 I wrote a review on FURY awhile back and I was actually really prepared to like it and it greatly disappointed. I did not connect with one character and I thought their problems were too trivial for the Furies to take over. The Furies themselves fell short of anything and should have been present more. There is a SLIGHT possibility that I will read the sequel, just to see if the series can redeem itself.

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